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computers are becoming very popular. They seem to be popping up everywhere: on
TV shows, on airplanes, in movies, or in your friend's lap. These sleek little
machines monster beats dr dre are invading our daily lives like
never before...  and the invasion has
just started. Find out why they have become so popular with their users and why
you’re next PC should probably be a notebook computer.

It is
estimated that over 42 million computer notebooks will be produced this year.
And that number is said to be growing by 20% each year. So what's driving the
demand for these devices, what's making them so popular?

It's more
than just the next ethno fad; notebook computers offer some very practical
solutions to our computing monster
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requirements and needs. There are some real solid reasons why they have become
so popular among their users. These are the same reasons why you should
consider making your next PC purchase a notebook or laptop computer.

So if you
need convincing, here are those 10 solid reasons why you should consider buying
a notebook computer:

This is one situation where size really does matter.  It's the main reason you should consider
buying a notebook or dr
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laptop in the first place. You want a PC that will fit neatly   in your hand to take to your next office
meeting, you want   a convenient laptop
to take to class or you want a notebook for your next cross country business

come in a variety of sizes to match your needs or purpose. They are categorized
or grouped accordingly: #dasrfrt520